Elayos Adult and Children Safeguarding Policy
1. Policy Commitment
Elayos primarily works with vulnerable women and birthing people and their babies. However, it is committed to safeguarding all children, young people and vulnerable adults that come into contact with our work. Children, young people and vulnerable adults who access or who are involved in our services should:
Be made aware of this policy.
Have alleged incidents recognised and taken seriously.
Receive fair and respectful treatment throughout.
Be involved in any process as appropriate.
Elayos will take every reasonable step to ensure that all children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected, where our staff, committee members, trustees, volunteers and students are involved in the delivery of our work. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and investigations will be undertaken swiftly so that appropriate and required action is taken as soon as possible.
Elayos enables all our staff, committee members, trustees, volunteers and students who work with us to make informed and confident decisions regarding safeguarding. We expect everyone (staff, committee members, trustees, volunteers and students) to have read, understood and adhere to this policy and related procedures.
Equal Opportunities Statement
We believe that all children, young people and vulnerable adults have an equal right to protection from abuse, regardless of their age, race, religion, ability, gender, language, background or sexual identity and consider the welfare of the child/young person/ vulnerable adult is paramount.
Comments and actions that contribute to discrimination, harassment or victimisation are not acceptable and will be challenged. Such incidents will be recorded and shared with parents, carers and the relevant agencies when necessary and appropriate. Please read our Equality and Diversity Policy for more information.
2. Roles and Responsibilities
Elayos has a Designated Person who is responsible for Safeguarding and Child Protection; this is Amelia Sommers (Co-Director) Email: amelia@elayos.co.uk Phone: 07915961754 and in their absence the role will be undertaken by the Deputy safeguarding officer, Hope Plumb (Co-Director) Email: hope@elayos.co.uk Phone: 07488356976
The role of the Designated Person is to assume overall responsibility for safeguarding across the organisation. Responsibilities involve:
Monitoring and recording concerns
Making referrals to social care, or police, as relevant, without delay
Liasion with other agencies
Roles include:
To be familiar with Elayos policies and procedures
Support and advise staff and volunteers in fulfilling their roles
Provide a point of reference to advise on safeguarding issues
Liaise with the board safeguarding officer
Promote safeguarding best practice
To ensure that the policies and procedures are reviewed annually and are fit for purpose
To ensure that any amendments and changes are communicated to the deputy, trustees, staff and volunteers
To ensure that safer recruitment policies are operated in the recruitment of all workers (both volunteers and paid), including that all relevant workers have up to date DBS checks.
To keep a database of all DBS checks, and make sure that they are renewed every 5 years or using the update service.
To be aware of the names and numbers of appropriate contacts within social care and the police in case a referral needs to be made.
To be aware of when to seek advice, and when it is necessary to inform others
To ensure that appropriate records are kept and that they are handled and stored confidentially
To arrange and promote training in safeguarding to any relevant people
To keep up to date record of volunteer safeguarding training
To update their own safeguarding training every 3 years
To make arrangements for someone to take over when they leave, and to publicise throughout Elayos who this is
It is not the role of the Designated Person or Elayos to decide whether abuse has taken place or not. It is therefore vital that staff, committee members, trustees, volunteers and students raise all cases of suspected or alleged abuse in line with the procedures identified in this policy as there may already have been concerns expressed by other staff, committee members, trustees, volunteers or students and failure to report concerns may put children, young people, and vulnerable adults at risk. Details of concerns and actions taken should be shared with the board at the earliest convenience.
If the safeguarding concern is regarding either Amelia Sommers or Hope Plumb, the Elayos Safeguarding Board Representative Abi Vedder should be contacted who will adhere to the procedures listed in this document.
Abi Vedder Email: abi@vedder.com - Phone 07971488395
3. Reporting Incidents
All allegations or suspicions must be treated seriously and reported appropriately.
Step 1:
Inform the Safeguarding Lead or Deputy as soon as possible and log it accordingly via our client log and safeguarding form.
Step 2:
The designated person for safeguarding will then devise an appropriate plan of action. The exact nature of the action taken will be determined by the individual circumstances, but it may include the involvement of external authorities, such as the Children’s Advice and support service (CASS) or the Birmingham Adult Social services team. This will then be followed up in a written report within 24 hours.
Any allegation made against a Person in a Position of trust (group leader, volunteer, staff member) should be reported to the designated person for safeguarding immediately. The matter will be investigated and the appropriate action taken. The designated person for safeguarding should inform the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who will advise of next steps.
If a disclosure of abuse is made by a group user, care should be taken to explain to them the procedure that will be followed and they should be told that it may not be possible for Elayos to maintain confidentiality.
4. Good Practice
Recruitment, Induction and Training
All staff, committee members, trustees, volunteers and students working or volunteering directly with children, young people or vulnerable adults are: Carefully recruited in line with good recruitment practice, to include:
At least two verified references
Have full and up to date Criminal Record checks if their role meets the eligibility criteria outlined by the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Familiarisation with the Safeguarding Policy and Procedure.
Receive appropriate training and are provided with up to date and relevant information and guidance.
Are provided with support appropriate with their responsibilities in relation to Safeguarding, and their requirement to maintain safe relationships.
Are aware of their role in respect of the disclosure or discovery of abuse, the procedure for doing so and report the disclosure or discovery of abuse to the Designated Person for Safeguarding.
Record Keeping
Any concerns will be recorded in writing on the database to comply with data protection legislation and shared with the safeguarding officer who will take the relevant action.
Records should only include contacts and referrals made including date, time, reason and referral agency. Elayos will assist other relevant organisations, as far as it is able, during any investigation of abuse or neglect. This will include disclosing written and verbal information and evidence.
5. Contact Details Emergency
If a child / vulnerable adult is in immediate danger you should contact the police on 999 or 101.
Birmingham contact numbers
For concerns for a child or young person, Birmingham's Children’s advice and support team (CASS) Team here.
If you are unsure about who to contact then please read the Right help, right time information here.
In the event of concerns for a vulnerable adult within Birmingham, the matter should be reported to the Adult Social Care Team here.
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board Procedures Manual can be found here.
6. Policy Review
Adapted: 28/11/23
Next Policy Review Due: 11/24